Orders and shipments

Orders and shipments

Thank you for allowing us to share what we are passionate about!

What are our payment methods?

Credit card: Visa, Mastercard and Amex
Debit card

When will I receive my chocolates?

After processing your order, we send it to the next business day.

What would be the cost of my shipment?

  • San Pedro Garza García: $ 30. In orders greater than $ 400 pesos, the shipment is free.
  • Metropolitan Area of ​​Nuevo León: $ 70
  • Rest of the Republic: $ 150

Where can I know the status of my order?

When you create your counting, it is very easy to see the status of your orders. You can also send us an email to hola@arandachocolates.com And we will gladly send you the information.

What happens if I want to modify my order?

Write us to hola@arandachocolates.com With your order number and we will gladly make the modification.

Where can I request my invoice?

Send us an email to invoices@arandachocolates.com And we will gladly send it to you.

Can I customize my chocolates?

Of course! We can customize the packaging of your chocolates to your liking for a special event. Write us to hola@arandachocolates.com With your requirement.